Tech Tip

Unobtrusive Client-Side Validation

JQuery Validation is an efficient, resilient and widely adopted solution for client-side validation. Since JQuery's official support by Microsoft and the introduction of Unobtrusive Client Validation for .NET, it has become easier than ever to integrate with applications that use .NET forms.

Ditching Old Habits – Photoshop vs. CSS

In an age gone by, it was normal practice for web designers to fully draft their web concepts in Photoshop, arranging all of their elements within a single ‘.psd’ file. However, when there are now so many new, innovative and better solutions available, why would web designers and developers continue to employ Photoshop at all?

User Experience Assurance – Combining QA, UX & Usability

Quality assurance (QA) processes should assure the quality of the overall user experience of a website, not just the quality of the underlying software. It is important that the correct quality assurance procedures have been put in place to ensure that the user experience (UX), as well as the technical solution, is of the highest possible quality. We call this “User Experience Assurance”.

Login Functionality – Back to Basics

It is surprising that so many websites still incorrectly implement the basic, rudimentary and essential elements of login and password functionality. Implementing a slick, secure and stable process really should be straightforward for any development team. However, judging by how poorly some websites continue to do it, it may not be as simple as first envisaged.