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Developing a Web Services API for EPiServer

A technical deep dive into our approach for exposing the complex business logic in GSK's NRT Behavioural Support Programme - which is implemented on the EPiServer CMS platform - via a new web services API.

Magnolia Training – The Magnolia Publishing Model

This example follows a site editor making minor changes to a page in a Magnolia CMS website and a site publisher reviewing that change before publishing it for public viewing. It uses the Magnolia CMS Demo Area, hosted by Magnolia International to provide an area for exploring and practising.

Magnolia Training – An Introduction to Magnolia Instances

Magnolia CMS's publishing mechanism revolves around the concept of a server used for creating, editing and previewing content, available only to a limited group of users and known as the authoring instance, and one or more publicly accessible servers which operate in a read-only style, serving content over the web and known as public instances. In this short tutorial, we describe the concept.

Report-back from Magnolia training

Two Priocept developers, Chris and Adam, went to Basel last week to get trained up as Magnolia developers. Here's a quick report-back.