Taming AWS CloudFormation with YAML, Jinja2 and other tricks – Part 1
A look at some tools and tricks for making AWS CloudFormation development faster, more efficient, and more fun.
A look at some tools and tricks for making AWS CloudFormation development faster, more efficient, and more fun.
Priocept delivered a campaign website and social media competition platform for the Huawei P9 mobile phone.
In this post we explain in detail how you can retrieve tag values from inside an EC2 instance, allowing metadata based control of internal instance configuration.
Website redevelopment and cloud infrastructure delivery for Generali Insurance, using Magnolia CMS and Amazon Web Services.
Global insurance firm, Assicurazioni Generali, have re-launched www.generali.co.uk with support from Priocept.
Priocept has recently been working side-by-side with two alternative cloud computing service providers: Rackspace and Amazon AWS. This gave us a great opportunity to compare the details of both providers. On both projects the software platform was based around Magnolia, a Java based CMS.